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  • Distance Education Best Practices

    Before creating your course, you’ll want to review the following Distance Education Best Practices below. How you design your course on the OpenLab and interact with students online will largely depend on factors like your class size, your level of familiarity with the OpenLab, your pedagogy, and your vision for the course. Remember that […]

  • OpenLab Attributions

    OpenLab Attributions Plugin The OpenLab Attributions plugin allows anyone to add attributions for Creative Commons licensed content they’re using on an OpenLab site. Each attribution will add a superscript number that links to a reference list at the bottom of a page or post. The plugin is network activated, which means you don’t need to […]

  • Embedding video and other media

    It’s easy to embed video and many other types of media in a post or page. Instructions are below, and you can find a full list of the different types of media that can be embedded on’s Embed Blocks page. There are also a few embeds not included on that list that are available on the […]

  • Require Post Category

    This very simple plugin can do wonders to organize a site with multiple users, just by making sure users don’t forget to pick a category. To use, it first activate the plugin: When users don’t select a category, they’ll see a reminder that won’t allow them to publish the post without first adding a […]

  • Gravity Forms to collect work

    Gravity Forms is a very robust plugin that can do many different things, from polling users, collecting contact information, to organizing reservations for events, and more. In addition, it can be a great way for site members to submit work–either students in a course, or members of a project or club.  If used right, this […]

  • Gravity Forms Dropbox Add-On

    The Gravity Form Add-On plugin allows you to automatically send files uploaded with Gravity Forms to your Dropbox account.   To get started, if it’s not already activated on your site, activate Gravity Forms under Plugins in the left-hand menu of your Dashboard.  Then, activate Gravity Forms Dropbox Add-On.   Connect to Dropbox 1. Go to Forms > […]

  • Gravity Forms Quiz Add On

    Gravity Forms is a robust plugin that can do many different things, from polling users, to collecting contact information, to organizing reservations for events, and more. It also has an add on that makes for a great way to give and automatically grade quizzes. To use it, first you’ll need to activate the plug-in. You can […]

  • Gravity Forms for appointments

    A useful component of the Gravity Form plugin is the ability to allow people to schedule appointments with you by visiting your OpenLab site, such as for tutoring or office hours. 1. First, activate Gravity Form under Plugins in the left-hand menu of your Dashboard. 2. Go to Dashboard > Forms > New Form. Here, type […]

  • Easy Table of Contents Plugin

    This plugin allows you to create a table of contents (TOC) for pages and posts on your OpenLab site.  Visitors to your site can click a link in the TOC, which allows them to jump down to that section on the page.  Adding a TOC to a page can be especially useful for lengthy pages, […]

  • Categories & tags: For admins

    Categories allow you to further organize the content of your site.  Careful categorization allows your site posts to be grouped together with other similar posts on your site.  This, in turn, helps users to better navigate your site.  Note that all site posts are filed under categories.  If you do not create your own post […]