Kyle Stedman’s piece about his annoyances gave an interesting take on a reader’s perspective. I thought it was very transparent about the thoughts that a reader might have when looking over someone else’s writing, and being a critic is not easy. The balance of being honest without coming off as harsh or overly particular about how writing should be can be difficult, especially for a person such as Stedman who is already experienced. I also thought it was clever for him to use “road rage” as a point of reference for the reader. Driving and English Composition seem like two different topics until he meshed them together to create a correlation between the two. He highlighted things that tend to fly over our heads as students, in fault of some of our teachers/educators. Sometimes we are so conditioned to writing in such a specific way that we are not aware of the small elements that we can include to improve how we write. 

Many of us think we have veganism figured out, but there is a lot more to unpack than expected. Other than the basic knowledge we have behind vegan practice, veganism is related to much more than just diet choice and the use of non-animal products. It most definitely is a policy issue, and amongst many of the efforts being made toward change, the vegan movement is just one of them making strides. Whether one advocates for “human/animal rights, climate change, dietary modifications or some form of political action”, they all fall under the vegan umbrella. Believe it or not, veganism is about the conservation of our environment, our health, our government, and the corrupt systems all of us depend on. All of us are consumers, and the question becomes who benefits from our dollars and is it helping to promote a useful change for the future? In a capitalist society where large companies & organizations monopolize and “encourage unhealthy & unethical practices for monetary gain.”, the answer is quite apparent. It only takes a certain level of consciousness to realize “how our habits directly affect us and the world we live in.” Even the meat lovers can join the movement! Putting aside what we put inside our bodies, there is so much more at stake and such a larger cause to be tackled.