Category Archives: Uncategorized

Canned soup… not so healty after all!

Many people believe that choosing soup over other meals is a healthier choice. Those of you who cook might had notice that in order to get a tasty soup, lots of salt needs to be added to the recipe. Although … Continue reading

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Arsenic and the chicken you eat

In order to keep up with our previous arsenic and apple juice post, I thought it might be interesting to present this article.  Now you see an article introducing the presence of arsenic in chicken.  Interestinlgy, they talk about the uses … Continue reading

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Are you up for a beef burger?

Modern consumers seem to be more interested in health and food quality. The media is constantly trying to expose practices that are not considered so safe for the health of individuals. Scientists are constantly trying to address the safety of … Continue reading

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sugar: the bitter truth

This video open my eyes to high fructose corn syrup, however blaming the obesity epidemic to this ingredient is an exaggeration.  I believe that high fructose corn syrup is a risk factor and contributes to obesity but, it is only one … Continue reading

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Arsenic in your juice?

We have been discussing in class a wide variety of nutrients and how they are essential for the functionality of the human body. Among the nutrients required in large quantities are water, carbs, lipids and proteins. We also require minerals … Continue reading

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Diet Sodas and Cardiovascular Disease

After our discussion on carbohydrates and artificial sweeteners, I thought it might be appropriate to post this article. This is a 10 year-long cohort study from the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine and at Columbia University Medical Center.  It was found … Continue reading

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Fatty food preference… is there a genetic link?

We will be discussing Fats soon in class and I thought that this article is very interesting.  It shows a correlation between a preference for foods rich in fats and people having certain forms CD36 gene.   Check it out and let … Continue reading

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