Brooklyn Historical Society Field Trip

Today, our English 110 and Effective Speaking class took a rather interesting turn to the Brooklyn Historical Society. This was a building that served to preserve some of Brooklyn’s finest history. We walked in a circle exploring the area around us. I was really surprised to discover such beautiful buildings and amazing landscapes. Upon arriving to the cite, the building had sculptures of heads around itself called busts. These busts depicted famous explores, writers and philosophers. In my opinion, what I think stood out was the color of the building. I believe it was a mahogany color. The color gave of off the vibe that it was an old building. The color mahogany has a very vintage tone to it. I had fun learning all the details that surrounded the area. In the end of the trip, we were handed a brochure of the BHS. Inside there was a map that explained the areas within the building. When you enter the lobby, there is a grand staircase and a open area that would fit a crowd of people. Walking up stairs to the send floor, you will notice the library is behind the glass wooded doors. We did not get a chance to go up pass the second floor but we did get a chance to enter the library and witness how well preserved it was. Almost everything was made of wood and the second floor of the library had archives of original historical documents. I felt like I was thrown back 100 years in the past. I was delighted to be inside a room that is full of history. According to the map, the third floor would have been where the galleries are located. This was a wonderful trip and I can’t wait to come back and fully digest all of the details this place has to offer.

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