Library session

On October 2 , 2013 our class went to the library, while in the library we were welcomed by a librarian who kindly showed us the important places to consider when visiting the library. When the librarian finished she took us to the second floor, while in the second floor we were taken to a room full with computers and there is where our lesson began. Wednesday’s lesson consisted of learning how to do better research and how to find books both electronically and actual copies of a actual book, at first we we given copies of two actual documents and we were told to examine which one was more credible, after that we proceeded to do some research online and we were told to try to find credible sources on the topic ” Brooklyn Theater fire” which turned out to be pretty difficult not only for us but for the librarian has well since it was pretty hard to find any information about the actual fire, I believe it is was a great experience and I learned how to be a better researcher, not only that but I also gained something called patience, I would definitely go again in case I need any help or want to find resources for a project.

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