A Wise Advice

As a freshmen coming into City tech, I was nervous but soon that nervousness turned into excitement when I got my syllabus of my ENG 1101 class. The reason for my excitement was when I saw all the things we were going to do where going to be fun because the class was going to work on a course that was fun and interesting. The course was called “Being in Brooklyn”. Now I was in Learning community which meant that my ENG 1101 and SPE 1130’s class work will over lap. This added to the fun even more and life easier. This ENG 1101 class will help us enhance you skills of writing long essay to short summaries and also reading. This class also helps you in doing your research more easily and also how to research in more credible ways. In this course called being in Brooklyn you guys will learn about the neighborhood of city tech and also learn a lot about rest of the Brooklyn. This course will cover some interesting sorties of past so be ready to learn some amusing facts. In this class we used one word almost everyday,”Location”. Since this course requires you to do a lot of research on various locations so be ready to be picking a good location on which you will have to do a speech and also write an essay.  This class also requires you to go on a few walking tours, some with class and some by yourself.  These walking tours make the class very interesting and fun so be ready for a lot of walking. This class might get little challenging but than if you have professors like Professor Steve Davis and Professor Jody Rose than you will be fine. They will help you anytime and in anyway possible. Another advice will be to ask them whenever you need help and also don’t leave your until the last day. It won’t be your best work since you won’t put our full effort to the work.

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