Intro: The Brooklyn Historical Society is an institution which is dedicated to preserve and encourage the Brooklyn’s rich Heritage from the past.It has a diverse varieties of maps, texts, images etc to innovate people to learn more about Brooklyn’s history. One of the reasons why Brooklyn Historical society is recognized as National Historic landmark today is due to the magnificent architectural work done by George B. Post in 1881 and the  current exciting changes made by architect Christoff in 2012-2013. 

Body 1:  The Brooklyn Historical society’s 4 story building was completed in 1881 and was designed by architect George B. Post. His plan included using of Terra cotta and red brick to support the central ceiling of the library.  An article published in the NY times states that the building’s unglazed Terra cotta and repressed brick was the first building in New York City to use locally produced Terra Cotta.

Body 2: The plan proposed by Christoff will provide BHS members and visitors with improved exhibition, retail, and program space, and a state-of-the-art classroom for school groups. Clarissa who is a press conducted an interview with Christoff where he shared the benefits of renovating BHS. It will now provide full access to people who are handicapped instead of limited access. The entranceway lobby and first floor exhibition space will be equipped with updated technology for performances and events.The lower level basement and storage space will be transformed into a gallery space.

Body 3 : Comparing the changes between 1881 and 2012-2013 and talk about as time has changed Brooklyn historical society’s architecture has been magnificently improved and the new changed have added a prestigious value to the place. Thus it should be considered on a walking tour so that the work done by these great architectures for us gets appreciated.

Conclusion: Restating the introduction and making strong points which makes direct sense to the reader about the thesis/ purpose for writing this paper.


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