Summary of speech class 11/6/13

Today in speech class we had a normal lesson In the class, the only abnormal thing of today’s class was that there was a guy evaluating Prof. Davis. Other than that we went went over types of persuasive speeches. for example if your specific purpose includes the word “should” then it falls into the Policy part of speech. If the specific purpose contains the word/s good/bad, better/worse, right/wrong etc. then it falls into Value. Thirdly if the specific purpose contains the words of statements such as  will, will not, is, was, can etc. then it calls into the category of fact. We also reviewed the five steps of Monroe Motivated Sequence. the first step is attention, second step is need, the third step is satisfaction, fourth step visualization, and the last step of Monroe Motivated Sequence is action. After we went over these steps we reviewed the different types of reasoning’s. Prof. Davis also went over the Logical Fallacies which are, invalid analogy, hasty generalization, red herring, ad hominem, bandwagon, false dilemma, and slippery slope. This is important to memorize or have a clear idea of these terms. Since Prof. Davis told my class that there will be questions based on this and mostly on chapter nine in our final exam.

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