Working with maps at BHS

Today again our Speech and English class had a field trip where we went to Brooklyn historical society to observe and analyze few maps from the Pierpont family who owned most of the land in Brooklyn back in the days. Each group was assigned 3 maps each to perceive. In my opinion it was quite an amazing experience because it was something new which we did apart from reading text in class, writing summaries etc. When I was working with the maps it made me think more intellectually and analytically. There was a time when I got so much in depth in a map that I really wanted to find out why are those words there? I never thought that I would get an opportunity from the learning community to visit such as place which is phenomenal. By getting an experience on how to read map I think it also taught me that when you are reading something or looking at a particular thing just focus on it. Often people tend to get distracted but one should not and should instead try to be determined in completing that task with full effort. I think resources at BHS are not valued because majority of the people are not aware about the place.  In future, if I get an opportunity to research on a project in my coming semester’s I would definitely use BHS as my resource in my paper.

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