Fulton Ferry Landing

There are many beautiful places in New York City. When we mention New York City the first thought people have is Manhattan. You should know that aside from the City, New York City has a lot of interesting things and places in all 5 boroughs. One of the most interesting boroughs is Brooklyn. Brooklyn is filled with a lot of historic places. One of them is Fulton Ferry Landing.  This was one of the first ferry services between Brooklyn and Manhattan in 1642. The restore pier was re-opened in 1997, This Ferry Landing offering visitors spectacular views of the harbor, Brooklyn Bridge and the Lower Manhattan skyline[1].

As I was walking around the neighborhood of City Tech I came up with this beautiful place where I was able to watch the Brooklyn Bridge and also a splendid view into Manhattan. To get to this place was very simple. When getting out of the main entrance of the Namm Building turn left and go straight staying in Jay Street. Then you make a left going to Prospect Street. Lastly turn right to Cadman Plaza. From there you keep on walking straight and you get to Fulton Ferry Landing. This place is very comfortable because you can just sit there and explore everything that is around you there are little chairs for you to make your experience even more amazing because you can just sit there and observe.

When I got to my point it was impressive how beautiful the view was. You can see all of Manhattan even the Statue of Liberty. The buildings were huge! The image I got to capture is good but you can capture the juxtaposition.  To admire its location you got to capture a larger image like I did. For example, by taking the picture in this point of view you are able to appreciate the contrast it has, You are able to see the left side of the Brooklyn bridge that there are a variety of unique buildings with a impressive architecture and in its right side of the bridge there’s buildings that look all the same and aren’t as big as the ones you see in the right left side. As you can see they also look old compared to the other buildings that are in the left side of the

bridge. Thus, in this case I think it did capture its juxtaposition even though it would be better to see this location in person to understand and see its juxtaposition more clearly.

I decided to pick the Fulton Ferry Landing as my topic because I find it fascinating how a place that was so important in history is still with us today. When I see this place I instantly imagine thousands of people traveling from Manhattan to Brooklyn or vice verse through this ferry landing to go to a important event in history.

“One day the city we built will be gone, and when it goes, we go.” This quote is from “City Limits”[2]. Through out this project we are learning about new places that exist in New York. there’s going to be a time were this places are going to change to new places that would be way different than what we saw the first time we looked at it and that’s when the place we knew will be gone. That’s why we should appreciate when the place we picked is still here because when is gone it would be like if a part of our life was erased.

“You start building your New York, once you lay eyes on it”[3]. This quote is also from “City Limits” it relates to my writing because I think that when I first saw Fulton Ferry Landing that was the starting point of my interest towards Fulton Ferry. Now I know this place and it became part of my life because is a memory of something new to me. Thus, the moment I first saw this place is going to stay in my memory regardless of any changes it makes in the future.

As a next step I would like to know more about the Ferry Landings history. For example, how many people were allowed to go on each ferry. Also if there was any discrimination on who was able to ride on the ferries. There’s so much that I would like to know about my location and is surroundings that am going to continue doing research about this to have more knowledge about the place I picked and become more fascinated with the things I find out that make this place even more special.

There are many historic places all over New York City. I never would have thought that Brooklyn would have as many historic places as I came to know now by enrolling to City Tech. Maybe because only few people have the time to really get know Brooklyn and explore its wonders. Thus, personally I am pretty impressed with the beauties the borough of Brooklyn has to share, especially Fulton Ferry Landing. This project helped me appreciate and examine thoroughly the history of the Fulton Ferry Landing. Therefore, now every time I visit this place am going to enjoy being there more than before because now I know perfectly were I am standing which brings me a whole lot of comfort and  happiness to my system.


[1] Granger, Russel. “Fulton Landing, 1850s.” White Mans Brooklyn . 2010 n. page. Web. 15 Oct. 2013. <http://www.whitmans-brooklyn.org/2008/06/fulton-landing-1855/>.

[2] Whitehead, Colson. “City Limits.” The Colossus of New York: A City in Thirteen Parts. New York: Random House, 2004. 1-12.

[3]  Whitehead, Colson. “City Limits.” The Colossus of New York: A City in Thirteen Parts. New York: Random House, 2004. 1-12.

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