View Of world Form 9th Avenue

On the map, it seems like 9th and 10th Avenue are busy street, many people and cars on the streets. And across the Hudson River, there is New Jersey, which does not look like a city, more like countryside, and Far away from New Jersey is the Pacific Ocean and across the ocean are three countries. Enlarge the map; I can clearly see “China” on the left and “Russia” on the right side. From this map, it shows the view of world from Saul. For example, it is inaccurate that only three countries on the other side of Pacific Ocean, in addition, the Jersey is like an uncivilized forest.  And all these detail shows the arrogant views from New Yorker, their view the world in 1976, that New York is the best, the most cherish and significant. The New Yorker Magazine choose this picture as their cover because this is most of the New Yorkers’ view to the world, or maybe they like how this picture shows the greatest of New York. However, since New Yorker is the magazine of criticism and satire cartoon and etc. maybe it is a satire about how arrogant the people are, and the bias that Saul had.

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