Library Double Session

I wasn’t aware we were writing summaries on last Wednesday’s until I logged onto OpenLab today and came across all these postings. I do not want to be late on another assignment so, last Wednesday we went to visit theĀ Ursula Schwerin Library on the 4th floor of the Atrium building at City Tech. I have never really been one for libraries and can’t really say I am not, but I did realize the library can be used a very helpful tool in getting the best grades possible while I have it at my disposal. Ms. Smail started off the tour by stopping our group right in the middle of the entire library pointing out where we can access computers, where we can print, and where we can get help. She made it very know that in order to do anything in the library you first, must activate your school ID to be library accessible. We continued from there to the second floor which has rows and rows of bookshelves. It was no wonder considering that there aren’t many on the first floor. We were lead into a small classroom in the corner of the section. Here the first thing i noticed was that there were somewhat high-tech computers and that shows me that the school is dedicated to helping kids learn in more interesting and fun ways. I had fun with the computer. Once there we were given two articles to analyze and decide which was more credible. This was not easy considering that there are a lot of factors that come into play when deciding this. We came to the conclusion that the one that was put together by many experts and was published is more credible than the newspaper article written by one person. We then went on to search on our own for information about the Brooklyn Theater fire. There wasn’t much in our directory but when you widen your search to all the CUNY libraries, your chances for finding something are much better. All you have to do is request the book and they have it shipped right to your campus. This will be a very helpful tool in research.

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