BHS Summary

On monday our class went to the Brooklyn Historical Society. We took a walk around the area of City Tech and then ended up in the Brooklyn Historical Society. I really enjoyed the walk because i am not familiar with the area. We first stopped by a post office which was once the Brooklyn Theater but was destroyed in a horrible fire that killed many people in 1876. We then went to Columbus Park where we saw the statue of Henry Ward Beecher who was a well known pastor and abolitionist who freed a slave named Pinky. Across the park we saw the Borough Hall building which was once the Brooklyn City Hall. Afterwards we walked to a location where we saw a great view of the Brooklyn Bridge and city, which was my favorite part. At last we went to the Brooklyn Historical Society and learned the history of the building. We also heard more about the story of Pinky who was a slave. This trip was a good experience for me since i got to learn more about the area and history.

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