location choice

gleasons gym

For project two my location will be Gleason’s Gym. This is a gym only for boxing this gym is located on 77 Front street. You get Here by exiting City Tech through the main exit(Namm) and head up towards Tillary street. Once you get there make a left and walk all Tillarey street until you get to Cadman Plaza E make a right. From there walk stright up all Cadman Plaza E and continue walking up onto Washington St. Keep walking up until you get to Front St make a left and there’s Gleason’s Gym.

I chose this certain place because i have a friend who is a boxer and he goes to that gym. I remember one day he told me and other friends that he was on the finals to get the gold glove tittle. The event was going to take place in Barcleys Center and that if we wanted tickets we had to go to his gym and purchase them there. i wanted to go but i had no idea how to get there so i just googled maped it and head there. On my way there the walk was amazing, great view from the bridge, you saw the park, friendly people smiling, it was great. Once i got there i looked up and you in big letters “Gleason’s Gym” and under a little door. i went up some narrow stairs, then there was two metal grey doors. On the right one it said Gleanson’s Gym so i went inside and it was a pretty big place i thought it was going tp be smaller.

the quote im using for Project two is from City Limits when Colson Whitehead said “You start building your private New York the first time you lay eyes on it.” Im using this quote because while i was looking for Gleason’s Gym i was so amazed just by looking aroung i was creating my own world inside my head.

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