I moved to Brooklyn, New York City over 13 years ago. Within those times, I’ve had many walks in the city. The most recent walk I had was along the shore of Caesar’s Bay. I was feeling really down that day and I decided to get some fresh air. I live fairly close to Caesar’s bay so transportation was not necessary. I had to walk over a mile in before getting to the stairway that connected the shore and the streets together. The streets of New York are truly unique. Each street can have a combination of stores, supermarkets, houses and more all together. When I got to the shore, I noticed garbage all over the grass parallel to the shore. It was a disgusting sight to see how much effort people give to maintain a clean city. I walked slowly along the shore and glancing at the ocean and thinking just how people even thought fishing here was a good idea. The ocean was disgusting and littered with just as much garbage as there was on the grass. The water itself looked sickening. After walking all the way from the beginning of the shore to the end, I decided to just rest. I sat down in front of the major stores in the Caesar’s Bay Bazaar. Best Buy, Kohls, Modells and Toys “R” Us were all gathered in one large space for people all over Bensonhurst to come shop. After a few hours of relaxing on the bench, I decided to head home.
Walking outside can call our attention to the conditions in a way that driving through the area can’t. We experience the garbage rather than blow past it. Did your walk make you want to take action in the neighborhood?