Fort Greene Dreams

Fort Greene Dreams is an autobiography of Nelson George, a man of many talents. He is a music and culture critic, journalist and film maker. This article explains how he copes with moving from Jamaica, Queens to Fort Greene, Brooklyn. Fort Greene is home to many celebrities during this time period such as Spike Lee, writer Thulani Davis and many other jazz musicians. His apartment was located at 19 Willoughby Aveneue, It was quite magnificent. It was a duplex consisting of wooden floors, two bedrooms, a large kitchen, and a large backyard. Nelson George also begins to compare Queens to Brooklyn and how are they different from each other. While working with different artists Nelson begins to learn more about himself, and the type of write he was. When Nelson finds out that he has been inspiring his clients, sort of like a mentor. He became very involved in the mentoring, criticism, and producing world. Fort Greene brought Nelson a new life and it helped him learn that to measure himself was not by sudden success or consistent failure but by their body of work. Nelson Greene wanted to become one of the greats such as Richard Wright, Langston Hughes, or Gordon Parks.

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