Project #1 Introducing yourself

Henry Li

ENG 1101- D381

Project #1 Introducing Yourself.

Henry Li, a freshman attending New York City College of Technology (A.K.A) City-Tech. He graduated from New Utrecht High School in Brooklyn, New York. Henry is shy when around a new environment and new people but ironically outgoing. He plays Tennis as his favorite past time which he usually plays during the weekends as he doesn’t have the time to play during the weekdays due to his academics and education. Also he enjoys going to his local gym to an extreme extent every day after school. He previously served at Asphalt Green, a summer camp for kids aging from 4-12 year old, as a Trip Counselor for the summer. As of right now Henry has a dream to pursue a career in the Department of Education and working as a High School Teacher because he enjoys being around people that are the same age and younger than himself because he wishes to make young adults into something that is better than himself. He has a huge interest for History-related subjects and also wants to become a History teacher as he finds the way our ancestors thrived to be very fascinating.

I chose the avatar that I did which was a bright yellow smiley face to represent myself because I see myself as a person who enjoys life by helping other people. I love the feeling that one obtains after helping a person who is a situation they cannot handle by themselves. I also enjoy spending my time to do outside activities like to play Tennis, exercising every weekday at my local gym, and going to the movie theater with my friends. The avatar I chose in my opinion expresses all feelings and actions of someone who is great to be around and always there when needed. It is my dream to someday acquire a job that deals with helping people who are much younger than I, so I as the much older adult can explain life lessons that I’ve failed to utilize.

My avatar can be easily misinterpreted because seeing it’s of a very simple picture of a smiley face, someone could easily imagine me as a person who is always smiling and in the mood for anything. This avatar of mine could depict a different message to an individual. Reasons being that they could see the smiley face bringing in a creepy vibe, or they could also believe that I am bold but as I’ve stated before I’m quite shy in an environment around people I’ve never met before, It takes a bit more time for me to get comfortable with new people then others.

My profile will hopefully convey the message that I’m a freshman at City Tech but that doesn’t hinder me from achieving goals of majority of my seniors wish to achieve, which is to graduate college knowing what we want to become and to pursue the career of our dreams. I follow the motto of “No Pain No Gain” which means that hard work means greater value rewards. My avatar relates to the previous quote ” No Pain No Gain” because as the person strives for a goal one does not give up, once that person reaches that goal they will feel as they worked hard and will feel good about themselves. Therefore I am determined to become more than just a “pass” or an underachiever to the things I set my mind on. This is an important message to convey to those who view my profile and want to know more about my personality.

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