Fort Greene Dreams summery

The essay “Fort Greene Dreams” is about Nelson George who follows his dream doing what he loves and is very successful. He writes about celebrities in the entertainment industry and becomes sort of a celebrity himself in that community, going to parties and getting a taste of the glamour. The area where the story takes place, Fort Greene in Brooklyn, is the center for the type of work he is looking for. Meeting many new people and learning a lot from his experiences helps him realize that he is doing what he loves and wouldn’t want it any other way. The fact that there are projects close by that are dangerous and grim, shows that there is still potential to find great minds even in the most unpromising areas. This also humbles him knowing that he came from a similar upbringing and can remember what it was like to not have so much. Using this to his advantage, he wrote about all he saw and admired about brooklyn, including the people. Moving to Fort Greene opened up a lot of doors to Nelson. He welcomed the new environment. He grew more and more fond of the artistic aspect of Brooklyn which he didn’t get to experience as much in Queens. It seemed to me that he could continue this trend for the rest of his life and die a happy man. As long as he was writing and connecting with the culture, he couldn’t be happier. He just wanted to stay productive and become wealthy doing what he does best. Fort Greene inspired him to be the best writer he could be. Who knows? Maybe things would have been very different if he hadn’t decided to make that move back to Brooklyn.

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