Picture observation image #1

  1. The image is taken in 1898,Afternoon because there is a glare probably caused by sun, the season seems to be fall.
  2. It is a urban area some city, black and white picture
  3. 9 women in the picture , 3 behind the counter and rest are probably customers.
  4. The store has  embroidery material.
  5. There are seats in the left of the picture.
  6. The photographer took the picture from the entrance of the store, probably took the picture to show how the women run the store.
  7. They are dressed the same and all are dressed formal and elegant.
  8. The facial expression are not clear but i think they are happy shopping or running a store.
  9. I think the purpose of the image is to show the massage that women can run a business too since this time were when women were not considered equal as men.


One thought on “Picture observation image #1

  1. You note that the faces are hard to see, and you’re right that this has something to do with the lighting. But I’m not sure it’s from the sun–where are they? Where would the sun come into the scene?

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