Beverly Chetram's ePortfolio

@artisanbev | @bevxd

Beverly Chetram's ePortfolio

Juxtaposition – Lab Week 2

Photo 2: The first photo I took of my new idea. A pack of new (unblown) balloons with a background of finished blown balloons.

Photo 3: My Original First Photo (Scrapped Idea due to uncooperative elements..)

Photo 4 & 5 : 2 Photos from my mini shoot I also had liked.


Lab Week 2- Juxtaposition :  /  : Assignment: Week 2: Lab Exercise: Juxtaposition

Juxtaposition is putting two things together in one fame. Usually these are opposites: old and young, new and used, perfect and imperfect, manmade and natural, poverty and affluence. Look around at what you have available to you to work with and select two small objects that represent opposites.

Experiment with your composition. Fill the frame. At least one of your two objects should be at least partially cropped. Take a minimum of 10 pictures, trying different approaches for each frame. Post your first shot and your last shot in a gallery block. Explain your process. What did you do to improve your shot and make it more interesting? Category: Lab: Week 2 – Juxtaposition

Find Your Voice (HW1)- Beverly Chetram

Find Your Voice (HW1)- Beverly Chetram

Dawoud Bey is a famous American photographer. Bey has experienced hearing loss at a young age. But with loss to hear, he expresses himself through his vision & sight. He uses photography as an expression to showcase different views on things. As he produced a book of his photos, published by the University of Texas Press, “Dawoud Bey: Seeing Deeply”. An impressive 40-year retrospective of his work in a 400-page book.

A Couple in Prospect Park, Brooklyn, N.Y., 1990. From the “Black-and-White Type 55 Polaroid Street Portraits” series.

A Couple in Prospect Park, Brooklyn, N.Y., 1990. From the “Black-and-White Type 55 Polaroid Street Portraits” series.Credit…Dawoud Bey/University of Texas Press

This photo shows a couple in a park. The park is Prospect Park located in Brooklyn, New York. This photo captures the time of 1990. It reveals how people were dressed, it holds a moment that was once in time for this couple. The feel of this man and woman prideful to be amongst each other’s arms and on this date in a park, in love. The way they are dressed as well, you feel as if a different era of time.

Carrie Mae Weems is an American artist who works with text, fabric, audio, digital images, and installation video, and is best known for her work in the field of photography. She is known for creating installations that combine photography, audio, and text to examine many aspects of existing American life. Kitchen Table Series is the first publication dedicated solely to this early and important body of work by the American artist Carrie Mae Weems. The 20 photographs and 14 text panels that make up Kitchen Table Series tell a story of one woman’s life, as conducted in the intimate setting of her kitchen. “The kitchen table” series project shows the dissimilar voices from the evaluation of women. The kitchen, one of the primary spaces of domesticity and the traditional domain of women, frames her story, revealing to us her relationships—with lovers, children, friends—and her own sense of self, in her varying projections of strength, vulnerability, aloofness, tenderness and solitude.

Cover Photo of the book “Kitchen Table Series” By Carrie Mae Weems.

The cover photo of Carrie Mae Weem’s Book, “Kitchen Table Series presents the author herself at a kitchen table. She sits at a kitchen table with a vanity mirror and a few lipsticks with a little girl. The little girl could be her daughter or niece. They both have mirrors and lipsticks, bonding with beauty. This moment of innocence, femininity and motherhood in one.

Dawoud Bey and Carrie Mae Weems both use photography to express there voice. They both represent different messages within each of there photos in the style of black and white images. Capturing moments that express a message of their perspectives for a viewer to have any understanding and emotion. Both photographers use people and particular settings to photograph in order to represent the moments of time they want to be portrayed.


I was paired with Ilda for this assignment. In the photo on the left, She has her hand open with fingers together, as presenting the wall. I recreated her photo in a bit of a fun interpretation of the corner of my room and my hand open towards presenting my plushies in the photo on the right.

In the first photo on the left, was the photo I took of my hand with a ring, as if it was capturing an engagement ring moment. On the right, is the photo my partner Ilda took of her hand with a ring as well as her own recreation.

In the photo on the left is Ilda’s recreation of my photo. On the right is my photo of my hand. Of each of us holding the hand of a teddy bear. Trying to capture a gentle moment holding a stuffed toy.