Individual final work

Name Here: Chris Gyasi

Individual Final Work

Research Explanation

Our group is focusing on justice in America and we would like to inform our audience about Race and Equality. As a class, we have decided that our targeted audience should be the residents of New York City since everyone in the class lives in the city.

Participation Explanation

Due to the Corona virus and our limited time our group mainly interacted through WhatsApp. We each decided to focus on our boroughs. So my role was research. The research started out with what was happening in my own neighborhood but eventually expanded to areas of the Bronx I was not from. Communication with my teammates was difficult at times mainly because of our daily schedules. Specifically mine. I work from 9-7 and with travel I usually got home around 8-9pm.


May 31

The 1-2-4-All Challenge and… oh, yes, Hello! Intro to course

June 6;

Collaboration with teammates

June 8;

Discussed with teammates how to combine our descriptions of what is outside our windows into one coherent answer.

June 10;

Discussed direction of project

June 13;

Collaboration with teammates

Research for 1st article

June 16;

Research for 2nd article. Discussed with teammates to get their input

June 20;

Collaboration with teammates

June 28;

Collaboration with teammates


Last minute formatting of information.

Sakib made adjustments to website design

Submission of Group project

Letter to Professor:

Though the class was not as difficult as a regular semester class the timing and the condensed structure made it a challenge. I previously told Professor Barlow that group projects were not a strength of mine and we discussed how I could overcome this weakness and complete the course because in the real world more often than not I would be required to be part of a team.

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