Update on Project


Collaboration: PPP Coordinators (Gen Li and Jun Liu) teams up with SSCJ Team Researcher (Christopher Bell, Sadeek Brown, Joel Tejada, Samay Shrestha)

The project is close to completion. Here is what each member has worked on:

Jun Liu: -Used Bootstrap framework template to build a website. Coded the navigation menu (pages include home, challenge, mission, support, contact, and many more), added background and optional instrumental music, and created a simulation of the infection that corresponds to the worldwide coronavirus tracker.  Also, responsible for the support page, which consist of collapsible menu to some federal and state support and services and a brief description for each item.

Gen Li: Wrote a comprehensive description of the coronavirus (including how the virus invades the human body on a cellular level and organ level, methods in which the disease can spread, some evaluation of the symptoms, and a list of ways to take precautions and protection). Links will be provided for reference. Wrote about perspective, an opinion mixed with facts, to encourage the readers to continue their role in the reduction of COVID-19 transmission.

Sadeek Brown: Researched and wrote about the chronological history of the coronavirus. Provided an in-depth introduction to RNA such as explaining its function and its importance in carrying out the disease. A brief depiction of suspected sources from wildlife animal cross-species transmission. In addition, some background information about the previous type of coronavirus that affects human such as NL63, SARS, and MERS.

Joel Tejada: responsible for google translating Sadeek’s portion of writing into Spanish. And stringing together an informational video (starts off with what the virus is, then the history, and finally the method of prevention) in Spanish.


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