‘Day in the Park’- story and character

A young girl enters a park with her class, running to beat the other kids to the swings. She loves the swings not only just for the feeling of being high up in the air, but because it also gives her time to be alone and away from her more rowdy classmates. She’s constantly at the swings until she begins to get older and spends less time at the park. Finally, she goes back to the same park, rushing to the swing when a smaller child reaches for it first. The child is scared she’ll shoo them away but she let’s them go first, helping to push them on the swing.


Lee likes to keep to herself. She’s not much for playing around with other kids. She likes her space to herself, which is part of the reason she sticks with the swings. She finds it a place to think while also grounding her.


There’s not going to be many different settings besides the park itself. I expect to have one Extreme Wide shot and Close Up shot. Also a lot of Medium/Full shots.