Week 6: Post a Game Journal page AND a Reading Response to OpenLab. Plus, *actually* create a CONCEPT DOC for any game pitch of your choice (ideally the one you protyped for on this week’s class), and post it to OpenLab.  A template for that concept doc can be found here:


Week 5: Post a Game Journal page AND a Reading Response to OpenLab.  Plus, create a CONCEPT DOC for any game pitch of your choice, and post it to OpenLab.


Week 4: Post a Game Journal page AND a Reading Response to OpenLab.  Plus, keep thinking about what you’d like to make.


Week 3: No class!  But please start considering what you’d like to work on in the second half of the class (starting in Week 8).


Week 2: Post a Game Journal page AND a Reading Response to OpenLab.


Week 1: Post a Game Journal page AND a Reading Response to OpenLab.


Week 0: Set up Zoom, Slack, and OpenLab (you’re at least 1 for 3 already)!  Grab the latest links from the Syllabus.


Check this page for additional assignments each week.