My internship journey continues and today, I have an exciting development to share. In the ever-evolving landscape of OpenLab and my role as a UI/UX designer, I recently had a breakthrough experience.

Clearing the Hurdles:

Let’s backtrack for a moment. You might recall that in a previous entry, I shared some challenges I encountered while creating my e-portfolio on OpenLab. These were not just personal hurdles but also potential stumbling blocks for other users navigating the platform. Recognizing the importance of addressing these issues, I decided to take action.

Seeking Guidance:

With the intent of finding solutions and ensuring a smoother experience for users, I reached out to my internship coordinator. This was a pivotal step, not just for my own portfolio creation but for the broader user community facing similar challenges.

I’m truly fortunate to have such a supportive coordinator. We met, and she patiently guided me through the process step by step. The focus was on setting the right theme and making the portfolio creation process as seamless as possible. I took diligent notes, documenting each aspect, from theme selection to updating posts.

User Experience at the Forefront:

As a UI/UX designer, my role is to understand the pain points of users and enhance their experience. I saw this opportunity not only as a chance to clear my own hurdles but also as a learning experience. During our session, I jotted down notes and suggestions, knowing they could be invaluable in improving the platform for all users.

One issue that stood out was the placeholder text within the COMD student template for portfolios. It was a bit confusing, so I recommended having sample text instead. Clarity is key when guiding users through the platform, and this adjustment could make a significant difference.

Communicating Findings:

To ensure that my insights and recommendations reached the entire team, I compiled my observations into a detailed UX report. During our weekly Monday meeting, I had the privilege of presenting my findings. This collaborative space allowed me to share not only the challenges I faced but also the potential solutions, ultimately contributing to a smoother user experience.

In addition to this, I prepared a strategy outline report, consolidating the notes and thoughts from our team meeting the previous week. This report offers a comprehensive view of our collective vision and outlines how we can execute our plans. It’s an essential guide to transform our ideas into concrete actions.

As we look forward to our next meeting, I am eager to communicate this strategy and discuss how we can collectively work towards creating a more user-friendly OpenLab experience.