The Art of food

I think food can be one type of art. We have so many different foods our planet. Especially, in United Stated we have people come from different races. We could mix up different food to make a new combination. The way how food set up, look, taste, and smell could attract attention of the people. Every time when people gather around we must have foods and drinks. I think food should definitely become art, because the way how food mix up to a new taste and the way it set up involve creative idea.


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Hurricane Sandy

Hurricane Sandy had brought a lot of the damage to New York City and New Jersey. During the hurricane, there were many pictures of flooding spread throughout the Internet. Some of them just look real to me. But, many are makeup by the people. I like the photo that took on the Williamsburg Bridge showing the difference of two boroughs without electricity. I think the photo of the shark is faked, because I don’t think the shark could make this long way by flooding to the town. Its purpose is scare people to go out. The area that I lived was pretty safe. My area only loses electricity for 3 hours after the hurricane. Other places like downtown Manhattan don’t have electricity for a week. I figure out how electricity and internet are so important in our generation. Nowadays we couldn’t live without it.

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Art History Parodies

After reading a short article in the Washington post on the pepper spray cop memes. I could recognize a couple work of art in my class. I think these parodies were funny in some way. Different people look at these memes might have different meaning to them. One of the pictures that make me laugh was the picture of “Liberty leading the people.” The cop was pepper spray on a woman’s armpit. People parody these works of art make us easier to remember events that happened in the past. It also shows us how the police use force to mess up the fact by changing the original work of art in to a funny picture.

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Picasso’s Les Demoiselles D’Avignon

One of the things that I found interest was when Picasso portraying male clients with the women in the reception room of a brothel on Avignon Street in Barcelona. By the time he finished, he had removed the male figures and simplified the room’s detail. Two ladies on the right do not look like women. I think the painting was controversial for its times because Picasso opened the door to a radically new method of representing form in space. Also a beginning of new representation of the world as a interplay of time and space.

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Impossible Exhibition

I would like to go to the museum to see the work of arts. I could look at Raphael, Leonard, and Caravaggio’s work of art. All of their work of art had spread into public and other countries. It’s a good way to look at all three artists at once. I would like to see the digital reproductions of famous works of art. But, I also think if we have a chance to look at the real work of art are also important. The real work of art couldn’t travel a thousand miles to another country to show it to the public. There are differences when you look at them in the museum and on your computer. That’s why it’s good to go to the exhibition to look at the high resolution reproductions of works of art and get the sense of the real work of art.

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Virtual Michelangelo

I think the virtual recreation of Michelangelo’s frescoes in the Sistine Chapel is great. It explains every work of art in detail. Michelangelo insisted that painting was not his profession. Although his major works until then was sculpture. Creating these masses of art work, it only took him 4 years to complete. The paintings are still significant in contemporary society because the ceiling’s design and narrative structure keeping with Renaissance ideas about Christian history. The conception of the entire ceiling was amazing. It in its thousand details was a superhuman achievement. That’s why still significant in nowadays and one of important art works back in time.

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Discussion Topic: Graffiti as Art, Graffiti as History

I think that graffiti conveys a sense a history because graffiti has been around for so long since the ancient time periods. Graffiti can be used to tell a story of many kinds of things. Yes I think that graffiti is a form of art because it can used to tell a story, define inner emotions, it takes a lot of skill. Just like art, it brings out inner emotions of a person. It takes a lot of dedication and a lot of creativity. Although graffiti is illegal, I would still consider it as a form of art.


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Discussion Topic: Art History Parodies

Vitruvian Homer

It’s been a strange semester with the stop-and-go calendar in the beginning of Fall 2012 and NYC’s shutdown over Hurricane Sandy.  Thank you all for your contributions on the class blog and for staying committed to your coursework to the end of the semester.  This is the LAST Discussion Topic for the semester.

I think a discussion of parodies and art makes a fitting end to the course.  Memes (images, video, or concepts that are spread via the Internet) often make references to iconic works of art.  Last year at the height of the Occupy Wall Street movement, college students were pepper-sprayed on the University of California, Davis campus.  Read a short article in the Washington Post on the pepper-spray cop meme as related to art history.

Washington Post article on the pepper-spray cop and art history meme

How many images did you recognize?  Do you find some parodies make more sense now that you’ve studied these works of art in class?  Please share with your classmates whether you’ve seen similar parodies of art.  You’re welcome to post images too.

As noted earlier, there is no time limit for posting to the Discussion Topics, however, you must submit all your blog posts BEFORE the final exam.

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Discussion Topic: Unpacking Picasso’s Les Demoiselles D’Avignon

Picasso, Les Demoiselles d’Avignon, 1907

Pablo Picasso’s Les Demoiselles D’Avignon is a masterpiece of western art in the collection at MoMA. Some have suggested Picasso’s painting is the most important work in Modern Art. Picasso executed over a hundred sketches and preparatory studies before completing the painting in 1907. Explore the following website on the artist and the painting. Pay careful attention to the sections “Looking at the Work” and “Preparatory Drawings,” and study the details of the picture. What strikes you as most interesting in Picasso’s Demoiselles? Do you think the painting was controversial for its time?

Columbia University’s Unpacking Les Demoiselles d’Avignon website

Please submit your blog posts before the final exam.

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I defenitely think that seing the original work of art has a lot more impression on the viewer than a digital one . A digital one loose the sense of realism it might have and become just a simple picture that can be edited. The original u can appreciated more the small details and it might give u the feeling that you are traveling back in time. You might feel the emotion the artist had towards the piece.

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