Discussion Topic: Virtual Michelangelo

I think the virtual recreation of the chapel is alright don’t really have much to say about it, i think these paintings are important in contemporary society because their somebodies life work that they took the time into creating such a mater piece and not just creating it but also being able into putting a message into the work without having to write one word i think that is very talented because from there is takes off and and then now stories are being told with just pictures and making people actually use there minds and just read something there using their imaginations to see what the artist is seeing such as in the ceiling where you have gods story being told is great because if you cant fly to Rome to see the actually thing you have a recreation here locally which you can still see the stories being told.

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Discussion Topic: Documenting Hurricane Sandy

Hurricane Sandy is a storm i will always remember because the day right before She hit my daughter Mia Rose was born, and it had to be the greatest and most scariest moments of my life because of how going to the hospital back and fourth in the storm was horrible because i need to pick things up then get the car seat i was drive in a truck my mother ford explore and standing at the ready light my car was shaking driving on the high way i had stick and rocks hitting the car  and traffic cones across the road and getting to my block was horrible my house and three other house were the only one with power within a 3 block radius and watching the new on people dying in their home watching the new was horrible and even being at the hospital with my daughter at the hospital was so emotional because as i had her in my arms it was just peace and quite and as i look out the window there things flying everywhere and watching the news were worst the picture of rock away and coney island flooded and being destroyed was to hard to watch memories they people had thier is the only thing left of those places.

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Discussion Topic: The Art of Food

I think food as an art is the best thing ever its so special because the fact that you can see art other then just a thing to consume is beautiful sch as you can see an apple take a picture and the majority of the people well just see an apple while the rest will see peace, passion, and even love just just because of the color and how the apple is by its self, but place that apple in  a fruit basket and now you have emotions flying every where you as if the fruit basket can resemble a person how we can carry so many emotions but still be able to maintain them all in on plate.

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Discussion Topic: Impossible Exhibitions, The Caravaggio Show

I would go to a museum to see digital reproductions of art because to me it seems almost as if it would be able to point out more in a way because of the lighting like maybe there is something small and shiny in a painting but you never noticed it because in the painting it would just be a white slash of paint on it but then you see it in a digital copy maybe the bright white light when catch your attention and you get a little more sense of realism so the picture. Yes it is still important to see real works of art because with some art you can get a feel of the artist moving his hand across the canvas and in a digital copy you wont see that movement.

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Discussion Topic: Unpacking Picasso’s Les Demoiselles D’Avignon

Picasso’s painting strikes to be very interesting not just because there nude girls but also but how he is able to place them in different positions but yet at the same time painting them from different positions and have almost a whole 360 view of the girls but just looking at them in one way and that is pretty cool. Also the painting for its time was very controversial because the style of his painting has never been done and it was shocking because when you first see it its pretty confusing and it just makes you one that your not the only person seeing this but you have many point of view to see it.

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Discussion Topic: Documenting Hurricane Sandy

I think hurrican sandy was pretty severe. Many people lost their homes, cars , belongings everything. I saw real pictures where the water in coney island was nearly as high a house. Many people that lived in coney island lost their cars due to water damage. I’ve also seen many fake pictures. Somebody photoshopped a picture of times square comepletely submereged in water with Michael Phelps swimming in there. There was another real picture where I saw that a squirrell was killed hanging out a tree

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Discussion Topic: Art History Parodie

I think that after I’ve seen the actual images and actually learning it in class I have most defintely recieved a better understanding of these parodies. I recognize Eugene Delacroix’s painting of “Liberty Leading The People.” They made a parady of a security guard pepper spraying the women. The painting itself symoblized liberty during the french revolution. And that was used to symbolize the occupy wall street protestors as they are to trying to fight for whats right to them.

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Discussion Topic: Impossible Exhibitions, The Caravaggio Show

I think there is nothing wrong with digital reproductions of the acual art work. Yes I would go to see these digital reproductions because they portray the real original work. But of course there would be a big difference when viewing the original and a the digital. But I myself would only just go to see what the art work is like and try to find out the meaning. But for the details, you would probably miss a lot. Every piece of art work has its own uniqueness to it. For example the way the artist strokes his brush onto the painting. He might be trying to tell you something. But you might miss that because you won’t catch that on the digital reproduction

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Discussion Topic: Can you recycle art?

Art can be created by anyone. I believe that art comes from the heart. It requires thinking and putting that thought into creating something. It takes time and I see that he has put a lot of effort into it. I think that every piece of art work serves a purpose and so yes I do think that this is considered as art. The art he created was originally art but he turned that artwork into a whole new different piece of work.

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Art Parodies

Art memes are becoming more popular and there has been a trend of them, noticeably on social medias, such as Facebook. I have noticed popular paintings parodied on a website titled “9GAG.com”, I saw one recently that parodied the “Creation of Adam” using Justin Bieber’s face as the face of Adam. The series of memes provided in the Washington Post article showed very popular works of art, most of which were identifiable from our previous studies. They positively conveyed the message of the “spray-cop’s” apathy for the students of the University of California; the spray-cop is presented as the antagonist in context of each painting. It’s a passive way of taking a dig at the spray-cop in a humorous way. A work I found very humorous was one we’ve learned in class by Marcel Duchamp, titled “L.H.O.O.Q”, parodied after Leonardo da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa”.

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