Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Art of Food

Yes I think that art is a type of food. Food just like art comes in many different types of forms. It can be made in many different ways. Food is also a type of creation, it is a very … Continue reading

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it is really creative to come up with art and food but i don’t see art in this work at all..i find it like if they were playing with food. There are many diseases out there and a lot of … Continue reading

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Discussion Topic: The Art of Food

After watching Jennifer Rubell’s Brooklyn Museum Galla, i think that food art is…the most stupidest, disgusting, unmannerly thing I have ever seen in my life! I do not like the idea of my food laying everywhere uncovered where anyone can touch and … Continue reading

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Virtual Michelangelo

I think that the virtual recreations of Michelangelo’s ceiling  fresco paintings in the Sistine chapel are actually very great and very detailed. You can see it clearly, you can see the details and it is very close to reality. I … Continue reading

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Discussion Topic: Virtual Michelangelo

As a non Artist critic I would say that I think that Michelangelo, Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, is a very creative and descriptive painting; not in a sense that there is too much detail, but enough so that the … Continue reading

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Masaccio’s Illusion

I had watched the following podcasts. Masaccio was one of the great painters in the renaissance period. One of his famous art work “Holy trinity.” It was a fresco that creates 3 dimensional views to the audient. He completely his … Continue reading

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Discussion Topic: Response to Masaccio’s Illusionism

Masaccio introduced a new element to the world of art by mastering linear perspective. One can imagine that viewers newly exposed to this new technique were taken aback as it transformed their prior understanding of conceptual spacing visually. There was … Continue reading

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i think the viewer from the renaissance would have a great impact when view this piece of art because of the effect it has. it makes u feel like if you are part of the actual paint when you are … Continue reading

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Masaccio’s Illusionism

I think a person of the renaissance who views his paintings would be astonished. They have never seen anything like that because everybody during that time period are use to seeing flat paintings and drawings. But Masaccio has created something … Continue reading

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as time pass there are more ways to transport ourselves to many places in easier ways cars, bikes, motorcycles public services but before when non of these was invented people had to walk or maybe use a horse but my … Continue reading

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