Monthly Archives: December 2012

how evil was commodus

Marcus Aurelius Commodus Antoninus, son of Marcus Aurelius. He was born in 161 and he ruled from 10 to 192.he claimed he knew Hercules and so ordered many statues to represent him as a Greek hero. In the roman portrait i think represents him … Continue reading

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A Medieval Monastery Rises in the 21st Century

The architecture of the monastery is very amazing it has exquisite detail it is constructed large enough to accommodate for the monks who live there. What i find interesting about the medieval monks is that they live their live in … Continue reading

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pilgrimages then and now

I think the videos is inspiring because looking at the video, you see many people taking that journey to complete it for there own reasons either religious or personal reasons. Once this pilgrimage is complete, when inside the Santiago de Compostela … Continue reading

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Discussion Topic: Art History Parodies

Art Parodies are funny and i did notice about four works of art on the link with the police spray painter, and actually some other parody do make sense now because of the fact now i know some of the history behind them … Continue reading

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virtual michelangelo

I think these recreations of michelangelo’s frescoes in the sistine chapel is like reproductive artworks where as you have an opportunity to view these famous paintings you can’t really see the style and get a better interpretation of it as you … Continue reading

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The art of food

I think food art is interesting because its a weird way of presenting food to others in a sense that shows that everything is in fact art. I also think its ironic because when someone paints art they usually paint … Continue reading

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Impossible exhibitions: the caravaggio show

I would go to the museum to see these reproductions of famous artworks because most of the original artworks cannot be viewed because they are scattered throughout the world. I think it is important to see real artworks instead of … Continue reading

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Unpacking picasso’s les demoisellesd avignon

what i find most interesting in Picasso’s painting is that the artwork shows less detail in it than it does in the sketches. Something interesting is that the two girls on the right are wearing masks when the other three … Continue reading

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Art history parodies

I recognize most of the works of art except one, the declaration of independence. From the artworks i did recognize i found to be funny because of how Lt. Pike is being viewed in the parodies. I realize that these … Continue reading

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Masaccio’s Illusionism

I think a renaissance  viewer would be amazed in seeing  Masaccio’s painting because of the fact that its not just about emotions being shown its about how realistic the pieces look now almost as if you can walking into the room and leave flower right at gods … Continue reading

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