Follow Magnum Photographer Alec Soth through Ohio


Even though I said earlier this week that I had posted the last Discussion Topic for the semester, I just wanted to add this to our class blog feed.   First, thanks to everyone who has been posting very interesting links to new and old photographers/processes.  This week Magnum photographer Alec Soth has embarked on a project with the writer Brad Zellar as part of Magnum’s “Looking for America” project.  Magnum was the photo collective formed by Robert Capa, Henri Cartier-Bresson and others. Soth’s photographs may recall Robert Frank’s photos for The Americans publication.  You can follow Soth’s week-long exploration of Ohio from May 17 through May 24 on a tumblr feed:

Follow Alec Soth in Ohio on tumblr


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2 Responses to Follow Magnum Photographer Alec Soth through Ohio

  1. John Rodriguez says:

    Feels like everyone is frozen in time in Ohio. Each photograph was to capture a fun event or to tell a person’s story. Interesting how some photograph’s just have a title but you can tell what’s going on. Even though some may look dull but thous are moments what everyone goes through. Like the one with the man eating a the burger or the one staring out of his window. Normal things people do.

    • smarte5 says:

      I agree some of the photographs you really don’t need to view the title to see whats going on. The photographs themselves show you exactly whats happening in them. Also there good to relate too even the dull moments as you say, because whether people realize it or not life is full of not only great moments but dull moments too.

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