Civil Rights Movement

I think that both types of photography (Frank’s art and Count’s photography) are powerful and effective. Frank’s art is all about showing certain parts of the United States to the people in ways never been seen or portrayed before. Frank had different ideologies of capturing images than the rest of photographers. He was more about experimenting with photographs and bringing out real facts (Racial Segregation, poverty) with his photographs from different parts of the coutry that caused him a lot controversy and criticism for showing the photographs never seen before to the world and to authorities that tried to stay away from this subject matter. Even though Frank’s photographs were scrutinized for all the media and adversaries of his work, he showed the real truth behind the so called “American Dream” that most people were not aware of.

Count’s photography shows a more detailed analysis of his work about Racial Segregation. In his article, he describes the exact moment when he photographed Elizabeth Eckford who was being shouted all kinds of racial words because of the color of her skin by her classmates, mainly by Hazel Bryan who was antagonist and main character along with Elizabeth of this photograph. Count explains how his photograph was a crucial event that affected the lives of the two people mentioned above. Additionally, he also describes all the pain that this moment caused for Elizabeth and Hazel in their lives and that even though several years have passed, it’s difficult for them to reconcile and leave this moment in their past. I think that both photographers Frank and Count had powerful visual photographs and that both of them tried to show the exact moments in which something extraordinary was taking place.

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