Walker Evans’ Subway Portraits

Everyday people take pictures of us everywhere, if we notice them taking pictures of us we tend to look at the camera to look our best. From Evans’s subway portraits, he is in the subway station doing noting but look at people walking around in the station. He captures the moment of what the people do in the subway station. From the pictures that Evan took, they all show the real characteristic of everyone. Everyone acting normal on those pictures, nobody is noticing the camera and not acting like a model and showing their best to the photographer. I think its interesting and cool in how he takes pictures besides letting anyone know. By taking picture without anyone knowing, it can really show people’s true emotions and personalities on the picture. Nobody tries to fix themselves for the pictures because none of them know that Evan is taking a picture of them. On most of the pictures that I see around, people will dress up nice with a nice pose which is not showing their real personalities and their real emotions.

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