Documenting Brooklyn Vodou

Since people live in a world where they have different beliefs and religions, it is okay to have people to document their practices with pictures and videos. Taggart is a good example for this topic. She takes pictures of different practices. Mostly a person who watches these practices from the outside world can believe in their practices. To me i was scared in how those people can talk to the dead and interact with the dead like they do in a everyday life activity but unfortunately, we have biased photographers out there, who try to change the whole concept and beliefs of a religion based on their own opinions and present it to the whole world. This is a very sad topic to deal with, because majority of people believe what they see and not what they hear or learn so people have to realize if these photographs and documents are valuable and effective, we have to see and understand the view of the photographer itself and how the photographer explain on the belief or practice.

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