Well, I think that clandestine photography sometimes is the best way of getting the most spectacular and unique photographs because of the unexpected things that can happen when shooting a photograph. Having this said, I think that Evan’s clandestine approach to photography was smart/dumb at the same time because of the risks he could have gotten himself into. However, I admire the his willingness and bravery to do something that at that time it was probably forbidden by the law for photographers to do such a thing. While looking at some of his photographs, I realized that little has change between the people of that time with the people of today, in that there are many similarities between the things that people did back then with the things people do now. Many of Evan’s photographs are a lot like today in that people still do the same things. For instance, there are people looking sideways, others closing their eyes, others reading newspapers, others uninterested on what’s happening, while others curious about the people in the train or the advertising.
Even though it’s has been many years since Evan took these photographs, still everything is quite the same except for the technology (iphones/ipads) that has had a strong impact in our lives. I think that as long as we continue to live in this city and use the train as our medium of transportation, everything will remain the same because taking the train can be boring sometimes while it’s always full of people that tend to behave just as the photographs taken by Evan many decades ago.