Monthly Archives: November 2012

Discussion Topic: The Art of Food Photography

Happy Thanksgiving! It seems appropriate that we think about food this week, and the idea that photographing food is an art form.  There is a long history of photographing food for commercial purposes.  The following NPR article outlines a current … Continue reading

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Hurricane Sandy Aftermath in Rockaway Beach

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Announcement: Video clip on Dust Bowl conditions of the 1930s

Here’s the videoclip that I couldn’t get to work in class:

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What matters the most?

As I read Richard Whelan’s discussion of Capa’s photograph of a “Death of a Loyalist Soldier” I recall the controversy around the Moon Landing. I don’t doubt the fact that the Moon landing wasn’t staged since the evidence presented in the video … Continue reading

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Discussion Topic: The Greatest War Photograph and Robert Capa

At the age of 23, Robert Capa took a photograph that many have labeled the greatest war photograph of all time.  Taken during the Spanish Civil War, the renown of Capa’s photograph, Falling Soldier or Death of a Loyalist Soldier, … Continue reading

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Hurricane sandy , we arent the only ones.

Over the years I’ve learned that living in new york is somewhat a haven from natural disasters but when one does it us does a catastrophic amount of damage.With Sandy I think it was not the fact that we did … Continue reading

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Documenting Hurricane Sandy

I must admit that I belong to the group of people that believed some of the fake photographs. I was and still am super thankful to God that in my area it was not bad at all during Hurricane Sandy. … Continue reading

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Discussion Topic: Documenting Hurricane Sandy

Before I introduce our next Discussion Topic I want to say that I hope you and your families are safe and recovering from the storm. As we work to return to ‘normal’ and classes resume at CityTech, please take extra time … Continue reading

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Photography & Film

I never even thought that during the 1900s science fiction movies were being produced, nor that I would ever get the chance to watch the first science fiction movie ever.  Watching this short film was something I’ve never experienced in … Continue reading

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Response to Photography and Early Film

A Trip to the Moon is one of the first known science fiction films. The scenes are very elaborate and complete with painted backdrops and are constructed in a similar way as those of the Lumière Brothers. They both have … Continue reading

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