Can an app be an art? Maybe? Photography in the 1800’s wasn’t considered an art but just a tool for scientific experiment. Maybe if we give ourselves a couple hundred years we might consider the “app” as artistic. Personally, i don’t think it is but the world is filled with different opinions especially for those app lovers. Just like the invention of the camera, the invention of the app was revolutionary. It changed our lives and the lives of other all across the world. At least we know that it changed Edward Burtynsky’s method of selling his work. The app was only $9.99 which is a bargain compared to the physical copy that sold for $128. The digital era has allowed for information to navigate faster throughout the world for a cheaper price. Burtynsky’s app displayed his work but at the same time displayed what the world is dealing with healthwise. So is the “app” an art?
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Professor Sandra Cheng
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New York Times Arts
i will say that the “app” can be art! because as a art major student i feel that to make a app they have to spend a lot of time on that to make people feel interesting and fun, just like the logos! some of them are funny, beautiful, interesting, creative, that is art! otherwise who is going to like them and spend money on them?