Old Processes; New Advertising.

I think it’s great that photographers are using old processes in their current works. Every so often photography needs something different, something refreshing. Most photographers today rely on digital photography and it’s impressive that other photographers are going back to 19th century processes to create something more artistic.

The New York Times Article makes a good point when it states that “There’s an angst about digital photography and a proliferation of nostalgia…” especially when phones have apps to lay a filter over a picture. I think photographers today want to put character into their photographs instead of just an image on paper. The wet-plate process is described as time consuming but with a great outcome. It’s rewarding to spend all day setting up a photograph, developing it and getting and outstanding photograph.

I really like the photographs that are attached to the New York Times article. I see what they mean when they say that the photographs have character because they’re not just a black and white photograph, it creates a mood. The detail is also amazing. It’s interesting that they are using it for advertising; it’s not a process that people are familiar with and they are using it in a modern way.

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