TingTing Jiang – HW#1: Photography, Instagram, and the Food Industry

The use of social media in hospitality industry became a must nowadays. Especially with the fact that everyone has a smartphone and internet is available everywhere.  People post photos of their daily life on the social platform and some people just love the feeling of taking photos and making sure that their valuable moments are being recorded somewhere.

It’s not surprising that restaurant owners are paying for people to take photos of their food. Those people know how to take appetizing photos that draw attention. Those people have a lot of followers in the first place and they are popular, just like any other celebrities. Their followers may go to the restaurant just because that they went. Photography on social media is a great way of advertising.

I personally don’t like to take pictures and post them on those social platforms because I’m the type of person who is not active and like to live in my own world. However, I do use social platforms such as Instagram and Facebook as a way of getting connections with the society. I get my daily news from those social platforms. Even though I don’t take photos of foods, my friends do. Furthermore, we make decisions about what to eat based on pictures on the menus most of the time; and we always go on Instagram to see how the food looks like before we decide whether to go in the restaurant and try their food. People nowadays care more about how the food looks like rather than what it tastes like. Some people don’t even like the food, but they go to take a picture with the food because it’s a “trend”.

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