Social media nowadays spreads every piece of information that goes through it once, all around the world being accessible to anybody with internet access in a matter of seconds affecting all fields of work and study, along with the hospitality field being no exception. I believe that social media is ultimately a great addition to the arsenals of the hospitality business, allowing them to spread and promote what is unique and special about their own business whether it be a new food trend or a new spin on a well-known recipe. Apps like Snapchat for example now have certain feeds that provide information on the newest food trends providing recipes, restaurant suggestions and more food related content update on a daily basis.
I personally think that ultimately social media is mostly a positive addition to the hospitality field as it is healthy for both producer and consumer allowing companies to get their information across to the consumer and allowing them to continue spreading what they want to in order to get people’s attention in a relatively fast manner. I enjoy taking photos of the food that I make and eat and also enjoy looking on social media at what friends and celebrities are eating too, always finding something new that catches my eye and drawing me in.