Value Scale

oh jeez this was a lil difficult

oh jeez this was a lil difficult

I learned that paint is not my strong suit with this project but I’m glad I got it done! As ya’ll can clearly see, cutting was a chore and the rectangles didn’t all come out even. Surprisingly this only took me an hour and a half (thank the art gods)

Staccato/Legato Pattern Mashup



It looks like a lot but I love it so much and I’m proud of it!! The blocky looking parts remind me of an 8bit song from an old video game for the sega genesis or something. The arrows remind me of a game too now looking at it. The squiggles were just cute to me so I added those in there.

She’s a BRIC House/ BRIC House Field Trip

I saw some artists i knew in this exhibit such as Sonic Youth!!

I saw some artists i knew in this exhibit such as Sonic Youth!!

ok this piece right here was mega cool and had to be my favorite out of everyhting
ok this piece right here was mega cool and had to be my favorite out of everything in there

I just thought that the arrangement of the records were very nice here

I just thought that the arrangement of the records were very nice here

This field trip was so much fun! Seeing how art and music correlate in several ways is amazing and inspiring to me. We also saw bits of SWAG: The Mixtapes by Rashaad Newsome which was really avant-garde and I LOVED IT. I legit searched him up after we split up and I’m so intrigued by his works. I also took one of those pamphlets to make your own tv show on the channel so maybe(probably not) you all might see me on tv!!

One more thing!! Was the name of the gallery a reference to The Commodores song?? The song was my immeadiate thought when the professor mentioned the name of it;


Aural Topographies: Visualizing Sound

Music can do a lot of things to you man it’s crazy. It can make you cry, make you unbearably happy, get you energized and ready to take on the world, any emotion to be honest. It can even be a time machine and take you back to a specific moment in life.

As in my taste in music; it ranges from a lot of things and it’s too much to talk about so I’m not gonna talk about it.

View From My Window: Assessment

Besides the minor frustration of doing the cut paper compositions 3 times until it was good, this project was really fun and time consuming. Besides that, this whole thing gave me a better understanding of figure/ground relationships and such which is great and I hope to improve more throughout the class.