She’s a BRIC House/ BRIC House Field Trip

I saw some artists i knew in this exhibit such as Sonic Youth!!

I saw some artists i knew in this exhibit such as Sonic Youth!!

ok this piece right here was mega cool and had to be my favorite out of everyhting
ok this piece right here was mega cool and had to be my favorite out of everything in there

I just thought that the arrangement of the records were very nice here

I just thought that the arrangement of the records were very nice here

This field trip was so much fun! Seeing how art and music correlate in several ways is amazing and inspiring to me. We also saw bits of SWAG: The Mixtapes by Rashaad Newsome which was really avant-garde and I LOVED IT. I legit searched him up after we split up and I’m so intrigued by his works. I also took one of those pamphlets to make your own tv show on the channel so maybe(probably not) you all might see me on tv!!

One more thing!! Was the name of the gallery a reference to The Commodores song?? The song was my immeadiate thought when the professor mentioned the name of it;



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