Aural Topographies: Visualizing Sound

Music can do a lot of things to you man it’s crazy. It can make you cry, make you unbearably happy, get you energized and ready to take on the world, any emotion to be honest. It can even be a time machine and take you back to a specific moment in life.

As in my taste in music; it ranges from a lot of things and it’s too much to talk about so I’m not gonna talk about it.

View From My Window: Assessment

Besides the minor frustration of doing the cut paper compositions 3 times until it was good, this project was really fun and time consuming. Besides that, this whole thing gave me a better understanding of figure/ground relationships and such which is great and I hope to improve more throughout the class.

View from My Window: Research

As I look out my window, I see a multitude of things.  The first thing beyond the windowsill has to be the fire escape. It looks like a bunch of lines at first but then look a bit closer; the strategically placed lines form a set of stairs, a gate and a railing. Further past the fire escape is the other side of the street in which there’s a strip of stores. Each store is easily distinguishable by the shape and color of their awnings (and lack thereof). The awnings are connected to each other and have a similar shape except for the grocery store which is much bigger and has an arch in the middle.

Looking to the left, I first spot a tree. Due to it being the middle of winter, its leaves are gone only leaving the branches. The branches start out large coming from the trunk then dwindling down to little twigs all over the place. Past that is another apartment building. The top of the building has designs made out bricks on it. There’s a building and a chimney on top of that as well.


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