Author Archives: Jill Bouratoglou

HW for June 9th

Homework: PART 1: Finish Site Strategy with the group. Develop a simple bubble diagram (individual) that shows how you may want to use the site. PART 2: Gather at least 5-6 of these items or similar recycled items – DO … Continue reading

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Screenshots from 6/3

Monday each group will present their site analysis, site strategy diagram and their zoning rules + zoning envelope. We will begin presentations at 8:30 and then move on to precedent studies for the rest of class.   Here are the … Continue reading

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HW for Thursday June 3rd

Preliminary zoning rules and envelope Progress on Site Analysis – I want to see mock ups of the work… what areas are you having issues with? Site visit:   Saturday at 10am – meet at Congress and the BQE bridge … Continue reading

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Welcome to Summer Design VI

I just wanted to welcome everyone to Summer Design 6. This will be a very intense demanding studio which is 15 weeks covered in 7 weeks. You will be required to be in class everyday M-Th 8:30-12:40pm. You will need … Continue reading

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