February 25, 2020 Homework Due

Updates to your Special Zoning District:

  • Sections through every different zoning – short sections – including existing buildings on either side to see the change in height
  • Long sections
  • Show rules and diagrams that control commercial areas and community facilities
  • Plans and Diagrams of your site with the zones – 2D (also show the adjacent existing zoning)
  • Connection to the BQX – or propose a new path
  • 3D zoning diagrams in the Rhino model similar to Group 1
  • Green Roof and Solar building code – look up the new rules
  • Emergency egress from the BQE
  • ventilation from the BQE
  • Open Space Ratios
  • Parking
  • Exterior Materials – Any designation?

All other comments that were mentioned during your presentation

Make sure that the Special zoning districts are clearly labeled from streets to streets so that it is easily read by anyone.

Clear diagrams that show your ideas.

Consider what questions you would ask a member of the community?


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Presentation: February 20, 2020

9am beginning

Group presentations of:

  • Precedent study – quick overview – highlighting updates
  • Special Zoning Study of your groups Area

You will receive a grade for these presentations.


Site section diagrams to see the different areas that can be incorporated:





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Homework for Tuesday February 18th

Assignment #4 In your GROUPS – design/develop your Special Zoning District that covers the key elements in the Special Zoning Districts that you did for your precedent studies. You may also look at last semesters special zoning that should be on the blogs from Fall 2019 openlab site. DO NOT COPY – but use format, suggestions, look at their diagrams.

Presentations of Group Special Zoning Districts will be at 9am on Tuesday.

Your BLOG – Create one, upload a link of the site analysis, upload a link to the precedent study of Special Zoning District, EMAIL pking@citytech.cuny.edu and jbouratoglou@citytech.cuny.edu the blog address.

MODEL to be complete and glued. We will turn it upside down to make sure that it is secure.



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Student Blog Link

Please remember to email me or Jill links to your individual student blogs so we can post the links from this website.

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Due for February 11th

Site model to be 100% done – everything is glued and site raised 1″ to accommodate BQE cut

All updates to your group Final Site Analysis

Label street, site edges, legends for each slide, zoning show what R6, R6B diagrams, show brooklyn bridge park, show directions of each street, traffic slides need bus lines, subways entrances, ferry stop, bike lanes, long photos of all blocks in your site – label streets, figure ground diagram show site,….

Create your Blog (see directions under Computer Resources – and Post link to your Final Site Analysis (Blogger cannot attach pdfs – just links to files in the Cloud)

Read Assignment 3 and your special zoning district that was assigned and take notes….

Assignments:                                                                                                                                          Group 1: Battery Park          Group 2:Hudson Yards      Group 3: Downtown Brooklyn




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February 6th Due

Final model complete

At 11am each group will present a draft version digitally of their site analysis for review.

All base work (maps, template and graphics) is saved in S:ARCH 3612 Spring2020 KingJill

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BQE Report

This report was just published last week and has a lot of information for you.

BQE Report


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Useful link for site information on streets


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Fieldtrip 01/30/2020

We will meet 8:30am Thursday morning at the Brooklyn Promenade at the intersection of Montague Street. We will be walking for the entire class through the Brooklyn Bridge Park to our site on both sides. You will be documenting the site – taking photographs and marking up site plans of important elements.

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Welcome to ARCH 3612 Spring 2020.

We will be developing a solution for the BQE cut between Kane Street and Summit Street in the neighborhoods of Carroll Garden and Cobble Hill in Brooklyn, NY.



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