UPDATE to SCHEDULE – ONLINE CLASS 10am 3/12 Thursday

As many of you have heard we are going to be holding classes online. Prof King and I have been testing Zoom. I think this is what many of the colleges, universities and K-12 school that are working online are using. It is free and seems to work for us. We will be having full group online classes and then will hold one on one meetings to give crits, and meetings by sites (1,2,3,and 4). We will work on a schedule. The online meetings will all take place during our normal class times.

The website is https://zoom.us

Please set up an account – using the email you are receiving this email at. It is free. I had to download it on my computer and I also have the app on my phone (it may be a bit small to view – but will work if its your only option).


I do not know the availability of the computer labs at school – we will find out more and send the schedule.

Please work on your floor plans and update your blog. We will want to try online tomorrow during class hours. Please email me directly if you do not have access to a computer, phone, wifi.

Thank you

Prof Jill and Prof King




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Residential Unit Design Guidelines


  • should be a min of 5′ and a max of 8′
  • Dead End Corridors should be less than 50′
  • From any point in an apartment the most remote locations should not be more than 200′ from an egress stair
  • Stairs can be (2) single fire stairs or a scissor stair


  • Bedrooms and Living/Dining room need light and air
  • Bathrooms, kitchens, closets and laundry should be located near the corridor away from the windows
  • Bedrooms min width is 8′; min area must be >80sf
  • Place beds and furniture into apartments to verify layouts Queen Bed (60″x 80″)
  • Bathrooms: Basic size is 5’x7′ Tub=30×60

Apartment Sizes:

  • 1 bedroom 600sf Max
  • 2 Bedroom 900sf Max
  • 3 Bedroom 1200sf Max


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Anchor Sites – What do you think?

Special District 4 – Housing and Park

Future Development Site – School with tower above? Anchor at other end?

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Due for Thursday – Master Plan & Special Zoning Districts

For Thursday be prepared to present and discuss your current thinking as a class and for each group your current thinking on your special zoning district.  Below is a summary of some of the things we discussed and agreed upon in class today.


  • Hicks Street East (towards downtown Brooklyn)
    • To be maintained for vehicular traffic
    • Sidewalk should be widened for pedestrians
    • Street calming techniques including cobble stone street crossings should be implemented
  • Hicks Street West (toward Brooklyn battery tunnel)
    • Does not need to be maintained as a continuous corridor for vehicles.
    • On a block by block basis we will review where access to existing driveways or parking should be maintained.
  • BQE
    • Options for decking
      • Option 1- deck over – column in the middle – 3 lanes of traffic each direction
      • Option 2- deck over – New HOV lane in the middle with 2 columns each side – 2 lanes of traffic each direction
      • Option 3 – deck over –  New 2-way LightRail in the middle – 2 lanes of traffic each way
      • Traffic heading towards Brooklyn Battery Tunnel from Downtown Brooklyn should have a direct access lane to the BBT.
    • Additional Decking & Relocation of BQE
      • Following BIG’s proposal we agree that BQE should run below grade from Brooklyn Heights through our primary site and beyond
      • Creates a new project site (special zoning district 4) at the Atlantic avenue end.
      • The south end closer to the Brooklyn Battery tunnel should also be redesigned to sink the roadway and create future access across to Red Hook community.
  • Cobble Hill Promenade (or a better name?)
    • We envision the primary covering to have a large percentage connected of park creating a neighborhood promenade.  New development in the form of housing, commercial or community facilities may be included.
    • What is the percentage Park/Building for your zone?
  • Special Zoning Districts 1,2 & 3
    • Rethink your zoning based on community input
    • As we are partially closing Hicks Street West – look on a block by block basis within your zoning and consider where infill housing sites can be located.  Consider if you are maintaining any vehicular circulation for access to existing parking.
    • Define the specific building sites in  your zone.  Set the FAR or other constraints on a site by site basis.  Are they all the same?  Do they differ?
  • Special Zoning District 4 (From Congress to Atlantic & Hicks to Columbia)
    • The class agrees to define a new special Zoning District – each team will contribute to the development of this district rules
    • This district currently has three parks divided up by the BQE and its access points.
    • New zoning district will be covered.  We will maintain the exits and entrances or will look to relocate these.
    • This zoning district will have a higher density than zones 1, 2 & 3.
    • Adjacent to taller towers – we will consider allowing towers on the site.
    • This zoning district will integrate community parking
    • This zoning district will continue to provide larger public parks
    • This zoning district will act as a connector between the “Cobble Hill Promenade” and Brooklyn Bridge Park
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Due for Tuesday – Apartment Analysis from Case Studies

Look to format this so it can be printed on 11 x 17 and pinned up on the wall-

  • Overall Apartment Layout
    • Statistics
      • Area percentage comparison – typical floor (apartment to circulation)
      • Apartment Count – how many studio/1 br/2 br/3 br
      • The overall dimension of the building 45′ x 150′ etc._
    • Color Coding to show the following
      • Show Structure – (just indicate where the columns are)
      • Circulation & Core
      • Studio
      • 1 Bedroom
      • 2 Bedroom
      • 3 Bedroom
    • Apartment Sheets (1 for each apartment type) – if you have multiple versions of a type for example there are 15 different studios – just pick one or two to show typical layout
      • Studio/1 br/3 br/4 br
      • Include sq footage for each
      • Clearly indicate Kitchen/Bathroom space, storage
      • Furniture is helpful if the plans have it – do not remove it
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Amenities from Precedent Studies Presentations

  • Balconies
  • Roof Gardens
  • Children Outdoor Space
  • Transportation
  • Community Gardens
  • Markets/Stores
  • Inside Park
  • Minimum Interior Circulation
  • Parking – Car
  • Cross Ventilation
  • Bike Parking
  • Storage
  • W/D In Units
  • Large open Parks
  • Response to sunlight
  • Response to Views
  • Green Chimney Vent for Highway
  • Gallery
  • Shopping
  • Movie Theater
  • Gym
  • Pool
  • Connectors
  • Sustainability
  • Pet washing Area
  • Library
  • Play Areas for children inside
  • Stroller parking

great Article about other amenities that Brooklyn Bridge Park are missing compared to Paris Social life project


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B. ARCH Now Accepting Applications!

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Town Hall Meeting **From NYCUrbanism – on Instagram

We are meeting at 6:40pm at the SE corner of Atlantic and Henry. The meeting is at Kane and Henry Street at PS 29.

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February 27, 2020 – What’s Due…..

Group work:

Comprehensive list of questions to ask the Community

Finish the General slideshow – combining all the overlapping information (we will use this when we have the community in to ask questions)

Finish marking up the large map to incorporate the circulation, transportation, BQX, FAR areas….these will turn into slides that are added to the general slideshow.

Short section of the BQE – what does it look like?

Individual Work:

Assignment 5 is posted – select 1 from each of the list and let Prof Jill/King know. Only one person can do each one – no overlap. This is due March 3rd after the community member has left. These will be presented to your classmates and we will look at the different amenities.

BLOGS: They should be updated with:  Site Analysis, Precedent Study of the special zoning district, Group special zoning district and the work from the group work above along with Assignment 5.  You can also add images of the model, and any other items you have found from your research and studies of the project so far.


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Exciting News!!!! February 27th 7pm – Thursday

We have been invited to the Cobble Hill Association meeting about the proposals for the BQE cut. Comptroller Scott Stringer, and BIG will be presenting. We will be able to ask questions, meet important people and begin our connection with other Architect working on this same project. It is at PS29 – on Kane Street and Henry Street. We can meet and go together.

Email I received:

Can you invite them to come to the CHA meeting on 2/27 at 7pm at PS 29?
It will be an evening with Comptroller Scott Stringer and his vision for the city and the BQE.
BIG will also present.
And elected state officials Senator Kavanagh and AM Simon.
We are expecting about 200 people.
There will be Q&A and the students can talk to community members after the meeting!
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