Author Archives: Jill Bouratoglou

Final posts Friday at noon and class Thursday at 10am May 21st

We will meet as a full class Thursday at 10am. Final posts to your blog are due Friday at noon. I will need to collect the site analysis/full zoning documents for the NAAB requirements, along with your full projects. I … Continue reading

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Notes from jury

General comments from the presentation(these ar my notes – and not everything that was said..)   Tolu – need to place in slide format.   Kimberly – needs more exterior development or ideas of materials, ground floor plan would be … Continue reading

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Presentation Schedule

Please be at the presentation for the entire time – Post your presentation by 6am on Monday so that I can send it out to the jury – you can keep working on items, but need something posted so they … Continue reading

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Common Comments during the mock presentation

Orientate the plans so the Water side (East River is always on the top) Label all streets on all plans, sections, elevations North Arrow on all plans Keep the same orientation for site plans, floor plans Poche blow up apartment … Continue reading

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Final Drawings

1. Site Strategy Plan/diagram (site plan to be horizontal- North Arrow and Street names) 2. Concept Board – Collage, concept models, final hybrid – design process – Use your images onyour blog… with a final diagram showing how concept progressed … Continue reading

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May 12th Full class meeting 9am-12pm – Mock Presentation

On Tuesday May 12th you will be required to attend the full class and review each others presentations. Presentations must be uploaded to your blogs. We will go in the order that we normally do for desk crits: Andres, Karen, … Continue reading

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Final Presentation May 19, 2020 8:30-12:15pm

This is a list of the required final drawings for the presentation. The presentation is on Tuesday May 19th and drawings must be uploaded to your blog by Monday at 6am. The blogs will be sent out to the jury … Continue reading

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Lobby Floor plan ideas


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Floor plan for reference

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Homework for April 30th

Development of the exterior of your building. Images of the materials- facade, glazing, railings, terraces…. Entrances, windows, balconies, roof terraces, railings (42″ high min) How these elements relate to the site – location of entrance, garbage, mail, parking/bike or car?, … Continue reading

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