Lesson 03/24 Thursday – Hybrid Concept Model and Zoning Envelope

03/24: Hybrid Massing and Concept Development within the Site: Hybrid massing is the culmination of the strongest ideas from your collages and concept models that are reinforced and developed into one hybrid model and design concepts. From you feedback and realization of the strengths of the study models, a final hybrid model will be developed that relates to your site. It should be made to scale to fit to the site. (you can select the scale) These models should take into consideration the zoning envelope that was set during the special zoning districts development.

Part A:Determine the strengths of the study models and reinvent the final hybrid model that fits onto your site and within the zoning envelope.

Part B:Create drawings (sketches) that show the zoning envelope and your hybrid model within the envelope. Long and short sections or a 3D sketch. These can be hand drawings/sketches at this point.

HW: Hybrid Concept Development Assignment:Hybrid model that fits the proportion and limits of your site, and drawings documenting the massing within the zoning envelope. This is to be posted by 03/26/20.

Large image is the top view showing the hybrid model in the site- along with the images below. The 3 images on the right are the ones that this student combined into the hybrid.