Monthly Archives: March 2020

Tuesday March 31st – Online Group crits

So CUNY is officially closed today, but I am holding desk crits – two times you can join either one – I split you up by site just to make it a bit easier…. but feel free to join either … Continue reading

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New Updated CUNY Schedule

March 26 Thursday – Online class with assignment due 3/31- 4/2 March 31 Tuesday – Online – no assignment – **** No lecture, just crits (CUNY closed) April 2 Thursday – Online class with assignment April 7 Tuesday –Wednesday schedule … Continue reading

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Saturday early morning

Just wanted to show you all Voorhees is going well. Finally left my house at dawn this morning….

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Images from Online meeting 03/19

Stacked Washer dryer in closet Notice the double doors to allow easy access 2@15″=30″ opening (the closet  is large – 30min width by 34″ depth min

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Zone 4 Diagrams

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Class Meeting Thursday March 19 2020

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03/19 Thursday – Same online schedule….

Lets keep the same schedule for Thursday 03/19. Just join us when its your time – or a few minutes before… you can also listen as we do desk crits. I want to look at your bubble diagrams, matrixes, floor … Continue reading

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Basic 1 bedroom module

  If you create a simple 1 bedroom module with 20′ side along the window wall – then you can add 10′ in width to create a 2 bedroom and another 10′ to create a 30′

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Class Meeting Tuesday March 17 2020

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ONLINE Meeting Times for 03/17 Tuesday

            This is on again. Please be on time to your appointment and the full class meeting. It is a very tight schedule so we all need to work together. Upload your floor plans to … Continue reading

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