Monthly Archives: November 2013

Post 2.3_ Martin Martinez _ SPIRAL

Posted in Martin Martinez, Post 2.3 | Leave a comment


Posted in Jonathan Raminez, Post 2.3 | Leave a comment

Post 2.2_Andrew Rollock_Site_Commercial

Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Post 2.2_Jenny Garcia

Posted in Jenny Garcia, Post 2.2 Site Analysis | Leave a comment

Post 2.1_Jenny Garcia

Posted in Jenny Garcia, Post 2.1 Commercial | Leave a comment

Post 2.3_ Rollerblades Shop_ Sheily Feliz

Posted in Post 2.3, Sheily Feliz | Leave a comment

Post 2.3_Jenny Garcia

Posted in Jenny Garcia, Post 2.3 | Leave a comment

Post 2.3_Lesya_Khymych

Posted in Lesya Khymych, Post 2.3 | Leave a comment

Post 2.1_Precedent Research _Sheily Feliz

post 2.1 Precedent research  

Posted in Post 2.1 Commercial, Sheily Feliz | Leave a comment

Post 2.2_Andrew Rollock_Commercial

Hi Professor Jill Bouratoglou, I have spent a long time trying to post Post2.2, but after I click ADD MEDIA, I should get upload files when I insert my file, but I am not getting that, inorder to go on … Continue reading

Posted in Andrew Rollack | 1 Comment