Due 11/11/13
For Assignment 2 you will create a concept for a retail store and design its logo. Decide on a product or a service you will sell in your store. Know that your site for the store will not be large. Use what you learned from your precedent study for assignment 1 and now create your own dynamic and strong brand and logo.
Your board should include the following:
- Brand Statement
- Logo
Brand Statement
- One word or line “catch phrase” for your brand
- What product/service the brand is for
- Who the brand is targeting
- What message the brand is giving the target audience
- How the new brand is different from brands with similar products
- What tone of voice, or personality the brand has
- What concepts/ideas/feelings the branding evokes/creates
- Create a logo and a name for your store/company
- The logo can use images, text, or colors
- The logo can include your company name, but it does not need to
- Here’s a page of additional tips for creating your logo: Logo Tips
Before Monday’s class, post your board to the blog. It should be 11×17 format, and JPEG file type. Keep the file size under 2mb.
Be prepared to present your work to the class.